Studies of Crystal Growth at the Atomic Level, by Paul Schwoebel

When: Tue, Oct 11 2022 5:00pm

Where: PAIS 2450

Paul Schwoebel, Physics and Astronomy, Studies of Crystal Growth at the Atomic Level.


In everyday life we commonly encounter crystals, be they in the form of frozen water (ice) or, say, as a diamond (carbon) in an engagement ring.

I will discuss work my research group has done to help understand how crystals form by observing their growth at the atomic scale, atom-by-atom.

As we shall see such studies are not only interesting from the perspective of fundamental science, but also have the potential to positively impact technological developments.


The talk will be given at 5:00 PM in room 1100 of the Physics, Astronomy, and Interdisciplinary Science (PAIS) building located on the NE corner of Redondo Dr. and Yale Blvd. NE.

A social hour and dinner will follow at the SUB in the Santa Ana A & B rooms at 6:15 PM.