Questions from Outer Space

At our first meeting of the ’24-’25 academic year member Diane Thiel (Regents’ Professor, Dept. of English) will read to us from her latest collection of poems, Questions from Outer Space, as well as some poems from a book in progress. Questions from Outer Space won the 2023 Independent Press Award in Poetry. This should prove to be a great experience, so please plan to attend.

 From the press release for her book: 

Compelling poems with brave, insightful, often humorous observations of the world.

Diane Thiel’s eagerly anticipated collection of poems, Questions from Outer Space, explores fresh and often humorous perspectives that capture the surreal quality of our swiftly changing lives on this planet. The poems travel through questions on many fronts, challenging assumptions and locating unique angles of perception. This thought-provoking book reflects a deep engagement with the natural world, a questioning of our built systems, the expansive wilderness of parenting, and the complexities of navigating outer and inner space.



Diane’s reading will be at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, October 1 in room 2540 of the UNM Physics, Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science (PAIS) building. This is the same location we held our last meeting and several others. Following the reading we will have our social hour and dinner, nominally at The Church Street Café in Old Town Albuquerque ( ).

I will request RSVPs in early September.

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